Real-Time, Delayed, and Intraday Stock Prices#

Here we’ll describe the stock and equity market quotes IEX Cloud provides in real-time, at 15 minute delay, and intraday.


These real-time stock quotes are part of our IEX Cloud Market Data bundles offering.

Real-time and 15 Minute Delayed Prices#

During market trading hours, IEX Cloud provides both real-time stock quotes and 15 minute delayed stock quotes for U.S. stocks and ETFs. You can access this data via the Stock Quote endpoint and Intraday Equity Prices endpoint.

Real-time quotes (or prices) are based on all trades that occur on the Investors Exchange (IEX). 15 minute delayed stock prices reflect activity from all U.S. exchanges, and is provided by the Securities Information Processor / Consolidate Tape Association (SIP).

While real-time prices for Nasdaq-listed stocks are available to all users, 15 minute delayed price data for Nasdaq-listed securities requires UTP authorization.

Note that real-time prices available via the IEX Cloud Data are different from real-time prices available via direct connection from IEX. During market hours, IEX Cloud Data prices available from IEX Exchange are real-time. Prices of most stocks are otherwise typically delayed up to 15 minutes–prices of some stocks (e.g., stocks traded in low volume) may be delayed longer.

Using the Stock Quote and Intraday Equity Prices Endpoints#

While there are several endpoints that provide stock price data on IEX Cloud in various formats, many users primarily use the Stock Quote and Intraday Equity Prices endpoints for current stock price data.

Using the Stock Quote Endpoint#

Use the following fields on the Stock Quote endpoint to access real-time stock prices:

latestPrice: The real-time price of a symbol, sourced from Investors Exchange (IEX) stock price data.

In the case of thinly traded securities – or securities traded less frequently – it’s possible that a symbol may not be traded on IEX within the most recent 15 minutes. In this case, since the IEX real-time price would be older than SIP’s 15 minute delayed price, IEX Cloud provides SIP’s 15 minute delayed price in this field.

Outside of trading hours, this field provides the last available closing price. For details on accessing extended hours prices, see OTC Stocks, ADRs, and Extended Market Hours Data at the bottom of this article.

latestSource: The source used to provide the latestPrice field value.

iexRealtimePrice: The real-time price for a stock, using the last trade on IEX.

delayedPrice: The 15 minute delayed price using SIP data. For Nasdaq-listed securities, this field and other delayed fields are returned as null without UTP authorization and a paid IEX Cloud plan.

Additional information is provided via this endpoint. See a full list of Stock Quote endpoint fields at the Stock Quote endpoint page.

Using the Intraday Equity Prices Endpoint#

The following Intraday Equity Prices endpoint fields provide minute-by-minute price data for the current trading day.

open: IEX real-time data. First price during a given minute.

close: IEX real-time data. Last price during a given minute.

high: IEX real-time data. Highest price during the minute on IEX.

low: IEX real-time data. Lowest price during the minute on IEX.

The average, volume, numberOfTrades, and notional fields are also all sourced from trades on the Investor’s Exchange. For thinly traded securities, it is possible for there to be no trades in a given minute on the Investors Exchange. In such cases, the field values are null.

The properties that begin with “market” are all based on 15 minute delayed market-wide prices from the SIP. During a trading day, these prices are populated with a 15 minute delay. For example, during a trading day at 10:00 a.m., you would see Investors Exchange real-time prices immediately for the 10:00 a.m. minute (assuming there are trades for that security on IEX in that minute). However, the market-wide fields for minutes 9:45 – 10:00 a.m. would be null. At 10:01 a.m., the 9:45 a.m. market-wide prices would be available, at 10:02 a.m., the 9:46 a.m. market-wide prices would be available, etc.

For a complete list of the endpoint fields, please see Intraday Equity Prices.

OTC Stocks, ADRs, and Extended Market Hours Data#

OTC stock 15 minute delayed prices require a separate license agreement with OTC. Please reach out to support at for more information.

ADRs listed in the U.S. are supported on IEX Cloud and have price data available in the same way as regular stock symbols.

Prices outside of market hours can be retrieved from the Stock Quote endpoint’s extendedPrice field. These prices are 15 minute delayed, and cover the hours 4:00 a.m. E.T. – 9:30 a.m. E.T. and 4:00 p.m. E.T. – 8:00 p.m. E.T. You can see a full list of data points returned for extended hours data at Stock Quote.