Find Symbols#

It’s important to know what symbols are supported when making API calls to IEX Cloud. To see the full list of U.S. symbols that IEX Cloud currently supports for “stocks” API calls, you can make an API call to get the full symbols list from our reference data.


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This call above returns an array of objects, each of which represents a symbol that can be used when making API calls.

Here is an example of one of the objects for Agilent:

    "symbol": "A",
    "exchange": "XNYS",
    "exchangeSuffix": "",
    "exchangeName": "New York Stock Exchange Inc",
    "exchangeSegment": "XNYS",
    "exchangeSegmentName": "",
    "name": "Agilent Technologies Inc.",
    "date": "2024-04-03",
    "type": "cs",
    "iexId": null,
    "region": "US",
    "currency": "USD",
    "isEnabled": true,
    "figi": "BBG000C2V541",
    "cik": "0001090872",
    "lei": "QUIX8Y7A2WP0XRMW7G29"
  // ... more symbol objects

The symbol field is the symbol that should be used when making API calls for prices, company info, and similar information.

The exchange lists the code for the symbol’s primary listing exchange, in this case, “XNYS” indicating the security is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. You can see the list of US exchanges using the U.S. Exchanges endpoint.

The type for this security is “cs”, indicating that it is a common stock. The currently supported issues types are:

  • AD - ADR

  • RE - REIT

  • CE - Closed end fund

  • SI - Secondary Issue

  • LP - Limited Partnerships

  • CS - Common Stock

  • ET - ETF

  • WT - Warrant

  • OEF - Open Ended Fund

  • CEF - Closed Ended Fund

  • PS - Preferred Stock

The region for the security is “US” indicating that it is a United States-based stock. The region property refers to the country code for the symbol using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.

You can pull up the symbols only for a given exchange or region by using the Daily IEX Trading Symbols endpoint.


Reference Data updates at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 1 p.m. UTC time every day. We recommend fetching updated reference data from IEX Cloud into your application regularly to stay up to date.

IEX Symbols / Real Time Price For Symbols#

To pull just the list of symbols that are traded on IEX, you would use the Daily IEX Trading Symbols endpoint.

Mutual Fund Symbols#

Reference data call to pull only mutual fund symbols can be found Mutual Fund Reference Data endpoint.

OTC Symbols#

Reference data call to pull only OTC symbols can be found via the OTC Reference Data endpoint.

International Symbols#

You can browse symbols by exchange or region. See Browse Exchanges for details.